Be the Light
We welcome you heartily on the Light Exercise website. The current of humanity’s revolution is a constantly changing course. The Light Exercise is a Global Movement. We warmly invite you to join this movement and become a light beacon in this world. The Light Exercise stands for the human connection, the bond that we all share with each other. We also encourage you to be a part of our monthly Prayer Group. Prayers, especially when they are in the thousands from all over the world, are extremely powerful. By joining this movement you will not only be the light in your own life, but you will be a part of an international movement to heal and restore our planet earth. And the beauty of this healing movement, is that it is totally free! Choose to Be the Light and Join our movement!

Tipping Point
It is important for you to know that we are at the tipping point of planetary ascension, the most powerful transition period for spiritual awakening in this era! Unfortunately lower frequency forces – false light, corruption, contaminations, blockages, artificial intelligence, nanobots, negative entities, alien implants and spirit attachments – are actively seeking to disrupt and destroy our rise into a higher octave of life. We are currently very actively engaged in a massive cleansing and restructuring of the quantum energy field that is essential to the divine activation of the coming crystalline matrix of our new world. The Light Exercise has been developed to bring forth what will benefit humanity. The Light Exercise will help humanity heal and as a result of this, heal our planet earth. And the beauty of this healing movement, is that it is totally free! Choose to Be the Light and Join our movement!
Hope, Peace, Love & Light
Are you willing to bring more hope, peace, love and light to the world? Our programme will teach you all the tools to accomplish this. And the beauty of this healing movement, is that it is totally free! Choose to Be the Light and Join our movement!

Helping Humanity Evolve to a Higher Level