The Light Prayer
This Light Prayer can be used by people from all kinds of faith all over the world
(this is a morning prayer)
Dearest Universe,
This is a Prayer to Lighten Up my life, my soul, my circumstances and all my affairs.
On this morning, I choose to put up my sun glasses and stare at the skies.
I will go out and do as much sun gazing as I can.
It is my wish to look you in the eyes.
I desire to gaze at the sun without being shy.
The sun’s bright light will open up my eyes.
The brand new sunlight will rise up the energy of my Soul.
I am now ready to feel the Presence of my Inner Guidance staring me right in the face instructing me how to go by this day.
I now command this day to do me right.
I now command this day to brighten up my life.
I now command this day to fill me up with light.
In order to become the light of my own life, my Spirit must rise and my eyes must be bright.
In order to comply with my life’s desires, my Self must have pride and my horizon be wide.
In order to outstretch the sunrise, my name has to shine.
I now ask you humbly, dearest Universe:
Will you please fulfill my aspirations right now?
Will you please fulfill all my life’s desires as rapid as the lightning speed?
It is my birthright to rise and shine.
I ask you now, my dearest Creator:
Never ever again to make me wish my life was superior.
Never ever again make me see another calamity.
Never ever again scare me with the wind blow of scarcity.
But instead:
Speak to me through the light; this daily light of the Sun, that is always bright.
Speak to me through the light; since I know it’s your Divinity, cleverly disguised
Speak to me through the heavens and brighten up my smile
And while you’re at it, please, treat me like a lemon and squeez out all the negative juices from me, so that at the end of this day, I will be just fine, without any kind of remorse.

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