Worldwide Meditation Class to Enlighten the World

The Netherlands, Amsterdam, February 12th: is starting a year long meditation program to evolve humanity’s consciousness and heal our world with light.

This program is open to all interested subscribers across the globe and is absolutely free of charge.

With the world going through extraordinary difficulties and adversities in these trying times, The Restart Foundation, a Dutch based international organization specialized in helping individuals heal and bounce back after having gone through difficulties, has put together a Global Light Circle Movement.

The Light Circle teaches a Light Exercise, where all those involved visualize a healing circle of light around the globe, seeing clearly how our globe lightens up, with the purpose of solving the current worldly problems while at the same time alleviating the planetary transition.

The event, a year long digital international collective meditation program, has the focus to bring together people from all walks of life to heighten the consciousness and awareness of our lifetime.

On February 19th 2023 a worldwide meditation class is starting that aims for humanity to start encircling the world with light.

This global meditation involves doing a specific light exercise with candles while envisioning a light circle around the world. It’s a global movement of light. 

The first three months, from February 19th till May 19th, this collective meditation program will be done collectively in total silence.

Participants will receive the specific instructions on how to do this meditation in silence from the privacy of their own home.

As from May 19th 2023 this global meditation class will be frequently livestreamed featuring several Meditation Teachers from all over the world.

In honor of the Worldwide Meditation Day on Sunday May 21st 2023, this whole weekend from May 19th till May 21st will be filled with global meditation teachers who will offer their tips and advices online this entire weekend.

This collective meditation program is completely free of cost for all interested subscribers.

‘We encourage everyone to visit and join this Global Movement. The Light Exercise stands for the human connection, the bond that we all share with each other.The only way to overcome the darkness is by being the light’ said the founder Chelita Grace, speaking on the upcoming collective meditation program.

The Restart Foundation is an international organization that stands for humanity’s deliverance and global harmonious development in all areas. 

If you wish to be part of the event, please follow the link below to register for the event:

For more information, please send an email to: