It’s Free!

Your participation is free of charge. The Light Exercise is fun, healing, enlightening and uplifting! It takes place at the comfort of your own place and it will take you just a few minutes a month. This exercise is for an indefinite period and it takes place at a specific time and day, once a month, every month. The Light Exercise has the energetic potency to Lighten Up and heal your day, your month and eventually your entire life. Your active involvement to this exercise is of course totally voluntary. And the beauty of this healing movement, is that it is totally free! Choose to Be the Light and Join our movement!


Global Movement

The Light Exercise is a Global Movement.

We encourage you to invite all your friends and family members to join this movement, because the more people participate in this Light Exercise, the more powerful it will be.

Together we can dim the darkness in the world forever!

Yes, we are lightening up the world so that we can all enter the Golden Age!

Join Us

Humanity is awakening fast and we are now going through a global transition. In order for this ascencion to take place smoothly, we will conduct a monthly light exercise all over the world. This global light exercise starts on Saturday August 19th. Are you willing to be a part of this global light movement? Your participation is crucial to help heal our world and yourself. And the beauty of this healing movement, is that it is totally free! Choose to Be the Light and Join our movement!


Helping Humanity Evolve to a Higher Level